Frequently Asked Questions

What do we do?

We provide the planning, funding and execution of life changing experiences that we hope will show people what the world has to offer and what they themselves are capable of in it.

When is the nomination/application and selection season?

All year long! TWI welcomes applicants all year from from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Our focus is on providing a transformative experience that will inspire selectees to make a difference in the world - and hopefully, to pay it forward!

Can anyone in the world apply?

Currently, TWI only selects applicants that are US Citizens.

How do we provide these experiences?

Through donations! None of this would be possible without contributors, whether monetary or in-kind services.

Where do you your donations go?

100% of every donation goes entirely toward funding the experiences for individuals selected through our nomination/application process.

How can you help?

Connect with us on social media and spread the word to friends and colleagues. Donations are super helpful!